September 31, 2017

Dear Mayor and Aldermen,

Over time, the LCC has been pressing to gift lands to the University of Tasmania to support it's concept of moving it's campus from Newnham to Inveresk. The actual and now proposed transfer of those assets to UTas is a major issue for many ratepayers. Despite this and resistance and petitions from ratepayers’ and residents’ groups, the Council has seemed to be intent on proceeding regardless of it failing to meet the requirements of the Local Government Act 1993 (LGA-93). These actions appear to place the Council, it's assets and ratepayers’ fiscal interests at considerable risk. Consequently, I write to you to advise that:

1.     The General Manager who supported, recommended and negotiated much of that proposed transfer is no longer employed by the Council and therefore unable to speak to, support or guarantee the security of the transfer actions. Placing the new General Manager in that position is neither fair nor reasonable.

2.     The requirements specified in the LGA-93 for such transfers do not appear to have been met, nor has the community been meaningfully engaged in any way to assure broad support for the proposal.

3.     Any failures to meet the requirements of the LGA-93 are, at some level, both failures of the previous General Manager (whose role is to assure that the LGA-93 is met) and failures of the elected Aldermen and Mayor to satisfy themselves that Council and it's ratepayers were adhering to the requirements that they impose on other members of the community. 

As a consequence of the above points, and of the apparent risks, I am notifying all Aldermen and the Mayor of these risks in the hope that they take action to assure that any transfer process meets the full requirements of the LGA-93 and any other legislated requirements before any approvals or related actions proceed.

Should the Council and it's members be delinquent in assuring those protections (and thus expose all parties to potential risks) then ratepayers may have no choice but to bring these matters to the urgent attention of the State government and/or other appropriate regulatory bodies.

I, and other ratepayers and residents, have warned the Council on various occasions over time of ratepayer concerns about these matters.

Rather than investigate or otherwise deal responsibly with ratepayers’ and residents’ concerns, the Council and it's previous General Manager have chosen to minimise the risks and dismiss their concerns. Because, at the next meeting, the Council indicates that it wishes to go ahead with the transfers, I am taking this last opportunity to act and ask that the Council avoid a potential disaster through illegitimate actions that contravene the very laws and regulations that Council requires of everyone else, thereby setting a grotesque and unfortunate precedent for the future.


Basil Fitch

Original signed copy to be delivered by hand to Council at its next meeting.

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